We are kicking the new year off right – by giving away our Knapstack Theme! The new update (version changes the Knapstack theme to now include free updates. Initially we were charging $5/year for updates to the theme but realized most people were just leaving their theme un-updated – which isn’t good for anybody. So to help keep the wheels greased and the machine ticking along the way it should, we are giving away both the Knapstack Theme – and all future Knapstack Theme updates for free.
Knapstack Theme
Another major upgrade is the sidebars. There are now 3 different sidebar areas in the Knapstack Theme:
- The Category Sidebar (displays to the right of any category archive)
- The Post Sidebar (displays to the right of any post)
- The Page Sidebar (display to the right of any page using the 600px wide page template)

The new sidebars in the Knapstack Theme can be found on the “Appearance” > “Widgets” page in your WP dashboard.
One of the coolest things about sidebars is that the newest version of MP Stacks (our free Page Building Plugin for WordPress) allows you to use a Stack in a sidebar using the “Stack” widget under “Appearance” > “Widgets”.
This means that all the power and flexibility of MP Stacks can be used on JUST the sidebar! This expands the power of sidebars hugely – allowing you to have your own backgrounds, content-types, grids, and even Add-ons like Parallax.
So to sum it all up, you never need to worry about paying for updates to the Knapstack Theme ever again! They are on the house – courtesy of us here at Mint Plugins.