MP Core

A plugin for developers which contains a group of classes and functions used to power plugins and themes.

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In depth usage documentation to help with the creation of plugins built on this plugin.

User Input
User Input

Simple associative arrays are all that you need to create user input modules.

Meta Options
Meta Options

Create metaboxes with (repeatable) options using the pre-built field types - simply by creating an associative array.


Create widgets with options using the pre-built field types by creating an associative array and extending a class.

Settings Pages
Settings Pages

Create Settings Pages with options using the pre-built field types. Uses a class and associative array for creation of settings.


Deliver plugin and theme updates to your users from your own API on your own server.

Plugin Dependancy
Plugin Dependancy

Easily make a plugin or theme require and auto-install a plugin from either the WordPress Repo or your own Repo.

Shortcode Builder
Shortcode Builder

Users don't remember shortcodes. Let them build shortcodes with a form by creating one using the shortcode builder class.

WP Customizer
WP Customizer

Add options to the WP customizer using just associative arrays. These options are smart and will auto preview for the user. Build using only an associative array.

Google Fonts
Google Fonts

Allow your users to select any Google Font by simply typing its name into the Customizer, Metabox, Settings Page, or Widget.

Image Sizing
Image Sizing

Resize images the right way - to fit your content. Includes a forked version of the AQ Resizer script.

Theme Functions
Theme Functions

Reduce code in themes with the theme-specific functions like Logo Image, Pagination, Simplified Comments, and more.

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