This template outputs pagination if needed.
This template tag is used to show pagination when needed. To modify the output, use the ‘mp_core_pagination’ filter.
This is how to include pagination in a theme with a fallback to paginate_links if the MP Core isn’t installed. This should be used outside of the loop:
function_exists( 'mp_core_paginate_links' ) ? mp_core_paginate_links() : paginate_links();
- base
- (string) (optional) Used to reference the url, which will be used to create the paginated links. The default value ‘%_%‘ in ‘‘ is replaced by ‘format‘ argument (see below).
- Default: ‘%_%’
- format
- (string) (optional) Used for Pagination structure. The default value is ‘?page=%#%’, If using pretty permalinks this would be ‘/page/%#%’, where the ‘%#%’ is replaced by the page number.
- Default: ‘?page=%#%’
- total
- (integer) (optional) The total amount of pages.
- Default: 1
- current
- (integer) (optional) The current page number.
- Default: 0
- show_all
- (boolean) (optional) If set to True, then it will show all of the pages instead of a short list of the pages near the current page. By default, the ‘show_all‘ is set to false and controlled by the ‘end_size‘ and ‘mid_size‘ arguments.
- Default: False
- end_size
- (integer) (optional) How many numbers on either the start and the end list edges.
- Default: 1
- mid_size
- (integer) (optional) How many numbers to either side of current page, but not including current page.
- Default: 2
- prev_next
- (boolean) (optional) Wheter to include the previous and next links in the list or not.
- Default: True
- prev_text
- (string) (optional) The previous page text. Works only if ‘prev_next‘ argument is set to true.
- Default: __(‘« Previous’)
- next_text
- (string) (optional) The next page text. Works only if ‘prev_next‘ argument is set to true.
- Default: __(‘Next »’)
- type
- (string) (optional) Controls format of the returned value. Possible values are:
- ‘plain‘ – A string with the links separated by a newline character.
- ‘array‘ – An array of the paginated link list to offer full control of display.
- ‘list‘ – Unordered HTML list.
- Default: ‘plain’
- add_args
- (array) (optional) An array of query args to add.
- Default: false
- add_fragment
- (string) (optional) A string to append to each link.
- Default: None