Class Name:
To verify whether a Theme or Plugin license code is valid or not.
This class checks with an outside API to verify whether it is active/valid. It takes the name of the plugin or theme, and the Software API URL it should check for verification.
For more info about setting up a Software API, look at the MP_Repo plugin.
This class will store the license and store whether it is active or not in the options database.
It will be stored under these keys in the database:
$software_name + ‘_license_key’
$software_name + ‘_license_status_valid’
Note: the $software_name is the name of the plugin sanitized. That means it is all lowercase and space becomes dashes. So “My Plugin” becomes “my-plugin”.
$plugin = array( 'software_name' => 'My plugin or theme', 'software_api_url' => '' ); new MP_CORE_Verify_License( $plugin );
The $plugin array keys and values:
- software_name (string)(required) – The name of the plugin or theme.
- software_api_url (string) – URL that should be checked.