Get all taxonomy terms for ALL taxonomies. This includes, EVERY taxonomy term in existence.
Use this function when you need to know all the terms for every taxonomy.
This function is useful if you are creating a dropdown where you would need all taxonomy terms. It can be used:
With the MP_CORE_MetaBox Class as the ‘field_select_values’ for a dropdown menu
With the MP_CORE_Settings Class as the ‘options’ for a dropdown menu
With the MP_CORE_Customizer Class as the ‘choices’ for a dropdown menu
With the MP_CORE_Widget Class as the ‘field_select_values’ for a widget
With the MP_CORE_Shortcode_Insert Class as the ‘option_value’ for a Shortcode Inserter.
(array) (required) Ann array of the taxonomies that should be excluded.
Example which excludes the navigation menu taxonomy: array( ‘nav_menu’ )
This will return an associative array which has a key and value for each taxonomy term. They are structured like this:
array( ’12*my_category’ => ‘My Category Term’ );
The above array key is separated into 2 parts. Before the “*” is the tax term ID. After the “*” is the slug of the taxonomy that term belongs to.
The above array value is the Title of the Term.