Step A. Installation (If already installed, skip to step B)

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Plugins” > “Add New”.
  2. Click “Upload”.
  3. Click “Choose File”, browse to the plugin ZIP file you have downloaded.
  4. Click “Install Now”.
  5. Once the plugin is installed, click “Activate”

Step B. Creating a Sermon

  1. In your WordPress dashboard click on “Sermons” > “Add New”.
  2. Give the Sermon a title.
  3. Add the sermon preacher by clicking “Add Preacher” or selecting a previously created preacher.
  4. Add the books of the bible under “Books of the Bible” by typing them separated by commas.
  5. Add the Topics of the sermon under “Topics” by typing them separated by commas.
  6. Add the series under “Sermon Series” by typing the name of the series.
  7. Add a featured image by clicking “Add Featured Image”.

Step C. Adding Audio and Video to the Sermon

  1. To add a video, paste the link in the video box (IE: YouTube, Video).
  2. To add audio to the sermon, go to the Sermon Media area.
  3. Complete all fields for media.
  4. Make sure to upload and insert your MP3.
  5. To add more files click “Add New”.
  6. This is useful if you have multiple MP3s (IE one for the music and another for the message).

Step D. Listing Sermons by Series, Preacher, Bible Books, or Topic

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus.
  2. On the left hand side you will lists of each series, preacher, Bible Book, and topic.
  3. Add the ones you would like to your menu and save.

Step E.  Listing all Sermons

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus.
  2. Create a “Custom Link”.
  3. Type your URL /sermons. IE:
  4. *This may vary depending on how your permalinks are set. Be sure to set them to “Postname” on the Settings >Permalinks page.

Step F.  Using the Widget

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  2. Drag the “MP Sermon” Widget to your Widget area on the right.
  3. Choose the sermon you want to display and save.